Since I wound up drawing portraits of other people a lot this month, I thought I'd add one more to finish it off. This is a sketchy self-portrait I gave myself twenty minutes to put together. As any relative will tell you, my face is never in this sort of nongoofy repose but it is how I see myself when I'm looking in the mirror with a camera. Add wrinkles to the forehead and it isn't that inaccurate.
Since a portrait of myself is self-reflective anyway, I'll continue the trend and add that I've loved doing art again this month. I learned that I can still see lines and somewhat draw, that I haven't gotten comfortable with color but I'd like to, and that there is almost always a way of digging out the time to practice.
C and I have played with finger paints, crayons and magic markers for years for the fun of the process (a necessary focus for kids). Having to put together a complete product - something other people would see - made me start paying attention and really try. I'm happy I did.