Little stores in the Czech Republic still tend to specialize. This
Čerstvé Kuřecí Maso (Fresh Chicken Meat) store sells chicken in many parts and the sundries that go with it - spices, butter, and frozen vegetables. It doesn't sell much else at all. The owners are affable guys who wear butcher hats and big, meat-stained aprons and know that I like three of whatever I'm buying that day.
This graffiti cat recently appeared on the store's security shutter (viewable only when closed). He looks to me like he's ready to swallow a canary, or maybe something a bit more fowl sized.
Julian meowed. And I send my regards - to poet- and photograph-y.
Thanks! And meow back to J!
I wonder if the shop goes as far in supplying chicken parts as a restaurant I noticed in San Francisco's Chinatown back in the late sixties. On a chalkboard outside it offered "Plate of gristle - 40 cents" which I thought was a very fair price. However, simulacra of various dishes were displayed in the window including "Chicken's foot". Alas, I forget the price but there it was: bone, yellow scales, three claws (plus a smaller one attached to the spur at the rear) and nothing much else. I wouldn't have paid to eat it, but I might have paid to watch someone else doing so.
No feet or heads at the local store, but the big Vietnamese markets on the edge of town have every chicken part you could think of. I think you can even buy your own chicken to pluck.
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