It's been a wonderful, busy weekend. Caroline and I sang in three choir concerts, filling our afternoons and evenings with music. After rehearsing and performing for two days I'm vocalizing every other word. "Why YES, I do want to use that string of lights, bring them O-VER here." Singing your sentences beats humming, right? (And it is so hard to resist when your voice is all warmed up.)
After the last concert tonight, I stepped out of the hall to find snow blanketing the ground, several centimeters thick. Snow is unusual enough in Prague that, once home, the kids and I bundled up to go play. Dinner time or not, fresh snow at Christmas trumps evening routine.
We walked to Namesti Miru to see what we could see, and found that the lights of the Christmas market mixed with snow went just as beautifully together as you might imagine.
Even James was impressed, at least momentarily. "It's so boo-tiful, I can't believe how boo-tiful it is," he said. Then, "Okay Mommie, stand still so I can throw a snow ball at you. Oh wait, my glove fell off again, Mommie, help!"
We threw snow dust (very cold snow doesn't stick together well), stomped around making pictures for the stars to see, and then, when it really was almost too late, headed home for breakfast for dinner, warm baths, and hot apple cider. Icing on the cake, indeed.
Not always hoity-toity
4 weeks ago
I'm not sure when one gets good at throwing snow balls - but Julian is still quite dismal as well. We should pit the two against each other. (Typical scenario - J pulls his hand back to throw the ball, and it slips out of his grasp). Though just in case Julian ever gets better at it, I've already created a no throw at Mami zone...
Advent! Advent! Das zweite Lichtlein brennt!
Oh, beautiful! How I envy you. Snow to me means Christmas.
How bootiful indeed!
Irresistible images of instinctive songbird. A mum that vocalises. But what about this? I'm playing it over and over for fictional reasons:
Svet, svet, svet
Gospod, Bog Sabaoth
Pina sut nebo,
zemlja slavy tvojeja
Blagoslovi'en gredyj
vo ime Gospodňe
Osanna vo vyšńich!
It will shortly be the sound (if not the sentiments) of redemption.
Ee - James does the same thing - his hand goes over his shoulder and there goes the snow.
All - it is beautiful. Sadly it looks as if it will turn warm just before Christmas, but we are enjoying the snow while it lasts.
Robbie - slipping in a little Pan-Slavic note to Kolo? I'll have to write up a post on Mucha which I've been meaning to put together for a few days. Janacek's music matches Mucha's epic surprisingly well.
Gorgeousness. We've got a ton of snow here, and I'm still too busy gazing at it in wonder to be tired of it yet.
Magical looking! I wish I could sing every other word without making people cover their ears and cringe...
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