I found spring-themed cookie cutters in our local dm Monday, and they made their way home with me along with the usual tonnage of goods required to run a baby. Caroline ran in the door shortly afterwards. Faster than you can say Strč prst skrz krk she had her homework done, a few paintings hung up to dry and the cookie cutters washed. At 5:30 she pointed out that she had even spoken civilly to the baby several times without being reminded. With such overwhelming evidence of goodness in front of me, I agreed to quit work for the day and we made cookies from a mix I found hidden in the back of a cabinet.
Sugar cookies need to cool before they are decorated, so it wasn't until yesterday that we decorated them. We as in C, our babysitter, and myself. Or more truthfully, I whisked together the icing, set out sprinkles galore, ate a cookie to taste test the icing and ran to a meeting, leaving C pouring sparkles with abandon while Marie carefully starred a butterfly. We all liked the green lamb with its rather evil pink eyes. Its dialogue with the red rabbit (sitting in a field of green just to lambie's left) was quite remarkable for a spring lamb.
The cookies have disappeared by now due to their proximity to the main cook in the house and his sweet tooth, but this weekend I've promised C to pull out our baking cookbook and make another batch from scratch. She wants to make enough this time for all her class AND Dada too.
Strč prst skrz krk = a Czech tongue twister famous for its lack of vowels. We're working on our Czech pronunciation here at Kolokolo as C will go to Czech first grade next year and a tongue twister is a fun way to wrap up a practice session. This one means "stick your finger through your throat".
Trumpism: A diagnosis
5 days ago
Somehow I think there was an egg that was also decorated by C's baba...
Tell C we're expecting more for Easter!
How did you ever guess?
We'll have the process down by then for sure!
I can almost taste them! The perfect addition to sunlight and blue sky.
I'm glad to see the sprinkles are already being put to good use :)
It was as if the planets had aligned to provide all the necessities - new cookie cutters, sprinkles from friends, a found bag of cookie mix AND the will to bake ;-).
This weekend we're going to try out your food coloring.
For reasons I have already admitted to, I love slipping in boastful bits of French in my blog. But your quotes beat me hands down. If you've got it (linguistically) then flaunt it.
BB, your French is extempore. My Czech, sadly, is not. If I tried to write a post in Czech it would be a very short one indeed! That said, I do enjoy rattling off sentences minus visible vowels, but that's a party trick really ;-).
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