Wednesday, March 04, 2009

A sketch for Eleanor

Eleanorfromthecommentbox wrote a poem this week that caught my fancy and C's too. So last night C posed, I snapped pictures and today I sketched a thank you illustration for Eleanor. Because thanks to Eleanor and the internet, I got inspired to try my hand at sketching again. And thanks to Eleanor and the internet, Caroline gets to see poetry freshly minted - that's a cool thing indeed.


lizardek said...

Yay! more, please! :)

Anonymous said...

A lovely sketch indeed! What a wonderful way to be inspired, and how touching for your daughter.

Mary said...

That is just gorgeous - and knowing Eleanor as I do she is going to be thrilled..

Julia said...

Thanks guys! My fingers were stiff yesterday so I really do need more practice, but it was awfully fun to do.

Eleanor said...

Dear Julia,

Oh my.

I am sitting here with a look of amazement and a huge grin on my face. This is an extraordinarily special moment which I will treasure forever....coming across an illustration for a poem I wrote, an illustration which is so very perfect in every way. You and I are now connected forever through a poem and a sketch (and a very special girl called Caroline).

You are such a talented artist (wow!!!) and I am absolutely honoured to have inspired you to return to your sketching.

I am so pleased that Caroline enjoyed the poem, please thank her for posing. What a gem she is.

I am rambling now because I am completely overwhelmed.

Thank you dear Julia. This feels like a dream to me. Look at that look on Caroline's face, just perfect, and just look at that cute little knight. Oh my goodness.

Thank you Julia.

deedee said...

Beautiful. You are talented.

Anonymous said...

Julia, I'm stunned!

You've truly captured the spirit of Eleanor's poems in this gorgeous sketch of your daughter.

You are so talented! And creative! And generous!...and, and, and...Can you tell how excited I am???

What a wonderful gift.

Can't wait to see more of your work!

Julia said...

Now I'm blushing ;-).

Anonymous said...


Eleanor said...

There are several more compliments to you from bloggers which were accidentally left in my commentbox! Go check them out Julia!

I printed your sketch and it is standing on my night-table. I look at it as I fall asleep and as I wake up. It just gets better and better the more I look at it.

Isn't it strange that I titled my post with the second poem "Sketching"?!! I remember wondering what to call it, and I thought to myself..."Well...if artists sketch then why can't a writer too? I am so very thrilled that it inspired you to start your sketching.

I'm still amazed at this.

Julia said...

Eleanor, if you send me your address C and I will post it to you! My email is juliaprague at yahoo.

Your title put the idea in my head, along with Mary's comment about illustrators, and Eurolush's wish for a caricature artist at her anniversary party :-). Commentboxes are percolating places don't you think?

Roderick Robinson said...

A polymath squared.

Ellen said...

Must join in to say definitely more please!! Poems and illustrations :)

countrypeapie said...

Love the poem and the sketch, and the way the two blogs are forever linked in this most delightful way.

Lucy said...

That's wonderful!

Anonymous said...

this is just beautiful!!
What a gorgeous girl you have there and what amazing talent!! Wow just wow. : )