In a few weeks these flowers will be gone, to be replaced by the children's favorite entertainment on a country walk - little white berries that go !pop! when you step on them.
C picked this bouquet for me, and after we'd marvelled over the cute little freckles on the flowers, we decided that the best way to keep them forever would be for us to take their portrait.
So I did. Here it is Caroline!
Trumpism: A diagnosis
21 hours ago
pretty pretty pretty, and you're right! They ARE freckled!
so delicate and pretty...
I love how those look against the denim!!
Those bitty spots make them look even more delicate somehow.
Lovely new page here! Those are pretty flowers, I wonder what they are.
I loved your photos in the previous post, especially the middle one that makes me think of a cave wall with petroglyphs!
Here we have multitudes of mulberries ... the sweet dark ones have been mostly picked, but the red ones remain. Similar flowers appear near the mulberry bushes, but I have yet to see anyone pick those, let alone capture them in such a vivid photo. C and J have saved the day!
I love how a photo of something can be enough to satisfy that need to keep hold of something wonderful. It will often keep my girls happy just as it has Caroline.
I think flowers are particularly charmed by the camera, which is so handy for a bouquet-gathering 6 year old.
How pretty they look on the denim, like embroidery.
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