Caroline is an official first grader, since the first of September. She's very proud of her new role, and is enjoying all the trappings of being a prvňáčka, from the art suitcase (seriously loaded down with art supplies, I look forward to seeing the results) to the special backpack shaped like a briefcase, which every prvňáčka, or first grader, proudly sports.
C's first day of first grade was more ceremony than study. Her Czech family, our babysitters, arrived early that day, and we all walked together to her new school. It felt like a festival day, with groups of families and new students calling out to each other as they passed on the sidewalk, heading to their classes. Once arrived, C found a spot near her friends, oohed and ahhed over her new books, and tried to pay attention to her teacher in the midst of a frenzy of picture snapping and occasional sob (mostly from the parents, the children were quite brave!). The kids took turns introducing themselves, the teacher read her opening remarks, and an hour later school was over for the day.
Each day for the rest of the week C's school added another hour to the first graders' schedule, working up to four hours a day. Caroline told us that mostly they were learning to behave, but that they'd also learned to talk Martian - spelling out words just the same way any self respecting Martian might demand to be taken to 'your lea-der". The first word they spelled was, predictably, Mama. The second? Praha.
Not always hoity-toity
1 week ago
Oh sweet, darling, Caroline, congratulations!!!
This is the best post ever. Look at her face, her dress, her shoes, the supplies, the excitement. I feel like I was there. But I would have been giggling and clapping inappropriately LOUD I imagine.
Martian language, gotta love it.
Ok, you have to promise now to share the school stories with us. Keep a notebook. I don't want to miss even the smallest detail.
I absolutely will!!
The plait, the perfect plait, look at that!
The case she's carrying, old world case. Look!
Oh my gosh, there's a JUMPROPE on the list of school supplies. That's just the best EVER.
I will now calm down, take my kids to their boring ol' high school and go to work (7am here). Sigh.
Oh look Julia, we're commenting in real time.
I'm still in pyjamas. Finished my coffee.
Seriously late now.
Good night!
Yeah Caroline! Also looking forward to the art lessons she is sure to give Julian at our next meet up!
She looks like she's going to love 1st grade.
Precious with a capital P! And those art supplies are to die for. Just don't tell me that those are hedgehogs all over the art suitcase. I shall be consumed with envy.
I see the Czech schools impose the same cruel regime as the French schools. Quite recently there were questions asked in the French parliament about the loads of books children were required to carry. Apparently there is no individual book storage in the schools; this is why I've seen French children labouring home under the weight of enormous rectangular shoulder satchels, clearly filled with things like dictionaries. A sort of Kraft durch Freude. OK if you want C. to excel as a shot-putter but those muscles will be a hindrance when rendering the Les Adieux.
PS: Mrs BB and my younger daughter will be visiting Prague for a couple of days just before Christmas. It's my job to book them in for a super-dooper dinner - expense no object; indigenous cuisine preferred. Any suggestions?
The hedgehogs are real (from Krtek, I must introduce you) and I am in love with the suitcase myself. Not sturdy enough for an airplane carousel, but perfect for art supplies!
BB, don't worry, C's teacher is very careful to only send her scholars home with one book a day. Her bag is all air and fluff really. And I'd be delighted to recommend a restaurant - Kampa Park (see is wonderful in the winter, do make reservations and do ask for a view of the bridge.
Oh she looks lovely! her dress matching the backpack and the suitcase. So sweet!
A suitcase for art supplies is a genius idea. I want one for my sewing things now!
She looks very confident and I'm sure she'll get along well in 1st Grade.
Look at that proud smile while she holds up her book! Here's to first graders--yours and mine. Learning math, reading, independence!
I second all of Eleanor's comments...and agree with Lynn about the hedgehogs. Now I want an art suitcase, too. With hedgehogs, of course.
We should ALL carry around art suitcases everywhere we go for impromptu drawing and coloring sessions. Imagine how much art there would be in the world! What a colorful place it would be!
Caroline looks so happy and confident on her first day. How great that you've captured the moment on film!
What an amazing experience she's having in Prague...
Kampa Park being booked through the hotel Mrs BB/daughter are staying at. Very impressed by the comments - someone complained that $40 for two kir royales was a bit rich. Not if they're using real champagne. Thanks a lot, Julia
How exciting -- she already looks like a pro! I love the way they start with one hour and build from there -- makes for a gentle transition.
Aww, how sweet! Love the art suitcase and that pretty, pretty dress.
She looks so grown-up! Congratulations Caroline!
( Worth two exclamation marks in a row, I don't usually...)
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