View from Vysehrad
This weekend, Prague was hot. It was even humid. Most Czechs left for the countryside, but those who did not headed to parks like Vysehrad, in search of green trees and shade, good views and cold beer. We did too, on Sunday. Saturday I toured my twin sister and her family around Mala Strana, exploring the gardens at the foot of the castle. We kept to the less trodden byways and stayed as much in the shade as we could - but we were still nearly melted by the time we got back to our side of the river and home. Below, you can see some of the gardens we passed by and the castle on the hill, plus, very close by, a stream running towards one of the old mills on Kampa island.

That is a very still flag there - (says it all about the heat, eh?) but at least M couldn't fret about missing a good sailing day!
Thanks so much for melting with us!! :*
Hey, he looks pretty good already! No wrinkles and a good head of hair! Plus he looks like he knows what's going on. I'm impressed.
ooooh! it's gorgeous there! Though, humidity...hrm. Your baby is adorable!
It's not usually this hot I promise! (Though when my family visits, it somehow does tend to make it to the 30s).
James is a knowing creature. He has already figured out how to roll over (at one month, I thought I had a few more to go) and through his rolling and scooting mobility he likes to get where he wants to be and then look at you as if to say: I'm really just biding my time here until I am walking you know, now where is that lunch?
He's got lovely hair! I like the way his ear is the same shape as the leaf on his top.
It's much cooler here...
His ear is like the leaf, good eye!! I'd love to draw him like this, all elfin in green and blue.
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