Thursday, February 10, 2011

Sunshiny Day

It feels like Spring around here, which must mean it is time for me to peek out from behind my work computer and take a few pictures! In the meantime, I thought I'd share a short clip of James and his approach to the weather (and sunshine!)


Eleanor said...


deedee said...

I could use James sunbeam today :)

Roderick Robinson said...

Good grief, the symbolism! James as a modern-day equivalent of Holman Hunt's "The light of the world". Augmenting light for all of us. Driven by a need for clarification. The very idea of "cleaning the light".

It was a pleasure to hear those clipped rising cadences again. Especially the moment where your journalistic professionalism almost lapsed and you were very nearly overtaken by a giggle. Remember, you're here to record, not to react.

Julia said...

E - thanks! He is getting to be such a cutie/communicator. Quite entertaining.

Meredith - the sun disappeared this afternoon so hopefully it decided to head your way.

BB - He's just missing a lantern (and beard), you're so right! I still don't quite see what made the Victorians flock to that painting though.

I had to wait to film him, as we kept laughing and distracting him from his work. Luckily he is a very persistent little fellow!

Anonymous said...

Cleaning up the light! Adorable!

marja-leena said...

Oh, oh, just wonderful! (and great to see you back here).

lizardek said...

That was just about the cutest thing I've ever seen! What a gorgeous mop that kid has!

alice c said...

I couldn't stop smiling after watching that clip. Thank you!

Lynn said...

Oh, that hair! That hair!!

What a magical little elf you have there. The Sunbeam Elf...

eurolush said...

I think my heart may have just melted. James and His Sunbeam...sounds like an amazing children's book!

Rouchswalwe said...

Saying YES! with verve and vim! And "sunlight ... OH!" It's so wonderful to have little ones around. Give him a big hug for me!

Lucy said...

I want to steal him and his hair and his sunbeams...