Saturday, July 24, 2010

I'm with the band

Imagine, if you will, a project that keeps on growing, time frames that can't, and hot hot weather pushing house temperatures up past 90. Antidotes included working long hours, ice packs as foot rests and the occasional stop to smell the flowers and take a few pictures.

Caroline has been at camp for two weeks but we're picking her up tomorrow and James cannot wait. He's in a stage where he loves all things Caroline. Since she's been gone, he's insisted on sleeping in her bed every night and he helped me pick out this picture of the two of them today.


Roderick Robinson said...

I'm all the more grateful that you've taken time off to attend to my petty problems. Make sure you and Will have an evening off in early September

Rouchswalwe said...

Brothers and sisters ~ the makers of melodies and music without compare!

deedee said...

He's grown so fast. I bet he'll be happy when his sister is back. My girls don't like to be apart for long, either.

Anonymous said...

Aw, love that they enjoy each other! That's such a gift, isn't it?

Mary said...

He is just plain edible that little boy of yours!

Lucy said...

Little brothers and big sisters often, though not invariably, seem to have nice relationships. We've got a couple of Tom's grandchildren coming next week who, at 13 and 10 now, are just the same, really happy to hang out and entertain each other and very affectionate.

Hope Caroline had a good time, and you're keeping cool!

Ellen said...

Love that photo of James! Kisses to C from us all - can't wait to see you guys!!

countrypeapie said...

so sweet ~ can't believe it's almost as hot there as it is here! try putting some iced water (or better yet, iced rose water) into a mist bottle and spraying it onto yourself while standing in front of a fan

Anonymous said...

I love it when the little brothers miss and want their big sisters!